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First things about taskboards

Managing taskboards

There are 2 options from where you can start the annotation process:
1) from a taskboard;
2) from a file.

From a taskboard
Open "Taskboards" from the menu, select a taskboard, click on "+New task" and select "Annotate".

Next, find the file on which you are looking to add the annotation. Check the fail and confirm your selection with "Select".

The selected file is previewed in the task view. You can zoom in and out and locate the exact spot to where the annotation is placed. Clicking on a spot places a pin to it and the color of the pin is inherited from the task category color. Finish annotating by clicking "Save" in the upper right corner.

From a file
Open the file from the folder. File viewer shows a pin-icon in the lower right corner and hovering it displays all task categories in the project. Select the category, move to the spot on the file and click on it. 

Next, select the taskboard and then fill out the task. After you have saved the task, the file preview with the pin is also displayed in the task view.